Welcome to Executive Psychological Services. We are a concierge psychotherapy practice located in Dallas, Texas.
Clinical Approach
Dr. Rowling’s approach to psychotherapy is relational. She believes that it is through healthy, safe relationships that we experience change. The relationship between client and therapist serves as a secure base for which self exploration and healing can take place. Within this framework, she looks at psychopathology (chronic stress, depression, anxiety), addiction and/or compulsive behaviors as issues of biology, disconnection, and interpersonal trauma. She believes that addiction is the opposite of connection. People who suffer from psychological distress can heal within a nurturing, supportive relationship.
Dr. Rowling also believes that individuals of high net worth and celebrity status face particular cultural barriers to wellness. While society seems to believe these individuals are immune to pain and distress, it is this population that she has found to be the most isolated. The chronic feelings of emptiness and drive for perfection can often lead to a breakdown in functioning. Issues of legacy and generational wealth can mean highly complicated family systems and unrealistic expectations. She also has found that this population thrives once connection to others is re-established.

Dr. Rowling has extensive experience in successfully treating the following:
- Issues relating to celebrity, power and success
- Attachment issues
- Chronic interpersonal and relational trauma
- Issues relating to extreme stress
- Work, creativity and career issues
- Relational dynamics and conflicts
- Personality disorders including narcissism, dependent and obsessive compulsive personality disorders
- Substance abuse including alcohol abuse, prescription medication dependence, and sexual compulsivity
- Mood disorders including depression and bipolar disorder
- Issues relating to divorce and other life transitions

About Us
Prior to starting her private practice in Dallas, Dr. Rowling was the Clinical Director of Caron, Ocean Drive. She has held various positions at widely recognized treatment centers within the United States.
Dr. Rowling completed her doctorate in clinical psychology with a concentration in addictive disease and traumatic stress. She completed her training in diagnostics at the United States Navy in Great Lakes, Illinois. Following her rotation at the Navy, she trained in various addiction treatment centers with an emphasis on relational therapy and assessment. Dr. Rowling completed her post-doctoral residency at Cook County Jail in Chicago. She has served as an expert witness for Palm Beach County in her work as a forensic and clinical psychologist. Dr. Rowling has both a personal and professional commitment to working with individuals who suffer from addiction. She works from a relational perspective and believes much personal healing can be done through healthy relationships. In her personal time, she enjoys running, CrossFit, and spending time with her husband and kids.